"{Being}...vigilant of where the real battle lines lie, can postpone for awhile longer the inevitable reign of the Antichrist, and provide yet another generation of Americans with a chance, not only to live in this, the most kindly and benevolent society the earth has ever seen, but to have a chance to attain true salvation."
(William T. Still, New World Order: the Ancient Plan of Secret Societies)
I cannot emphasize enough, how central to understanding the realities of our kaleidoscopic world, is the ancient intention of Lucifer to control it.

It never occurred to me that Lucifer/Satan was/is still trying to be like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:14)
Now...Satan isn't stupid. He must know that he's never going to win, right? He knows what took place at the Cross. Or does he? If he does, I would wager, he was/is counting on the rest of the world not knowing that. As long as he can fool people, as long as he can deceive & blind them (he probably half deceives himself!), he can get away with quite alot of counterfeiting. For many seasons, he has done that. He is doing it now.
But maybe he is unable to stop? Scripture tells us that there is no truth in him (John 8:44) ....that has to be a form of hell right there. Does he try to convince himself that all that untruth IS truth? Going forward, does he seek to manipulate circumstances to 'confirm' those deceptions? Is this why we see endless, repetitive bouts of corruption in business & government, lusting for & abuse of power, crimes of passion, theft, murder? Working out his lies through the unwitting - and sometimes NOT so unwitting - devices of men, he has woven his ill-conceived motives throughout known history, wreaking & reaping horror, misery, and perdition.
Is he incapable of accepting the truth of his never becoming 'like the Most High'?
In her book "Honestly", author Sheila Walsh (once a co-host on The 700 Club) shares the story of her depression & resulting breakdown. She learned, while in a rehabilitation clinic, that shame produces a need to control your environment so that it validates a false concept of yourself, one in which you are NOT ashamed. You force your surroundings to lie to you. To bear 'false witness' to you about yourself. It is too unsettling, even horrifying to face & accept the truth.
The deeper your shame, the more desperately you seek control.
If no one or nothing in your spheres of activity contradicts your well-entrenched deceptive self-image, fine. But should there arise a challenge... look out!!! All bets are off.
This is not to say that any one of us has not, at some juncture in life, sought to work that very same cushioning 'mojo' around ourselves...let's face it, everyone wants to feel good about themselves. Denial, as they say, isn't just a river! Not endorsing this behavior, but being realistic about it. People do it. I do it, or have done it.
But the more a person looks for truth, or the Truth, the more those behaviors become apparent. Clinging desperately to lies will become so destructive that, if one wants health & life, he or she will be backed into a corner, and will launch a re-think about themselves and their activities.
Herein lies the difference: Satan/Lucifer has not done that. And, it seems, never will.
So he is doomed to perpetual control machinations, in both the visible and invisible realms. Which, I think, is why - as I stated above - "we see endless, repetitive bouts of corruption in business & government, lusting for & abuse of power, crimes of passion, theft, murder? " These bouts are worked out, into & through every arena of human endeavor. At times, we may have been complicit in them: "For ye were sometimes darkness..." (Ephesians 5:8) Whether we were or not, however, this Satanic agenda continues today.
".....this idea of staging, manipulating and controlling the circumstance and the psychological environment of the individual is very much what today’s government, mass mainstream media and Hollywood is all about." (Bernay's Mass Mind Control...)
"...of molding and shaping not just one act, but your regular and ongoing behavior into one that is predictable and fulfills the desires of the controllers." (Bernay's Mass Mind Control...)
"As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government {???} {question marks mine} has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented." (Propaganda)
Yes, that agenda definitely continues...
...and so the next logical thought might be, Okay, but how do I combat this? Starting where you are, this suggestion has been made: "Be yourself and think critically on your own." That may sound deceptively simple, weak & inept. But as you think it through, this strategy makes sense.
"...they’ve been pushing collectivism to condition you to think that your personal journey is irrelevant in the bigger picture" so that you buy into the engineered concepts & constructs of reality that are presented to you, without questioning them. (link)
Question them!
Do you really want to be used in a way that subversively, incrementally destroys YOU, in order for an enemy's ego to be bolstered? Really? Do ya??? Because if you don't, you need to wise up & start getting back to your roots, who you really are, what you really believe...you need to look inside yourself...and maybe you need to look Up. You need to meet Jesus, if you don't already know Him, and you need to learn a little bit about America's founding documents & her Founding Fathers, her early history and specifically, our Constitution. (Hillsdale College Online Courses)Reach inside, reach back & reach up to find the good substance of life.
"Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind..." (Romans 12:2)

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