Satan falling from heaven....
It seems to be generally accepted that before this falling, Satan was that glorious angelic being known as Lucifer. Big difference, though, between the 'before & after' persona...and motivations, of this being. Again, it seems to be generally believed that pre-fall Lucifer was wondrous, dazzling; those who inquire further, seeking details. learn that Lucifer was 'perfect' in his ways, the anointed cherub. and from within his very being emanated musical glory. He 'was upon the holy mountain of God'. He was in the garden of God! (Ezekiel 28: 13-15)

Lucifer had everything going for him...something went wrong, though. We are told, '...iniquity was found...' in him. (v.18) The verses following this first indication of reversal in Lucifer's condition, seem to describe pride & vanity...we know from Isaiah 14 that Lucifer rebelled against God, his Creator, deciding that he was going to become like God. I don't think Scripture actually says that this mutinous being intended to oust the Most High...from being the Most High...and ruling in His stead...but I get the feeling, that was the plan.
Whatever the depth or magnitude of Lucifer's deluded intent, God's ruling was "...thou hast sinned; therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God."
...thus, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven."
(Note: I am not aware of any Scripture that actually states that Lucifer's name was changed to Satan. However, my Bible reading & study over the years has led me to that assumption, as it has many believers of Scripture, I think.
Now...Bible scholars have postulated that there existed a possibly great time lapse in between the events of Genesis chapter 1, verses 1 & 2. That a catastrophic, cataclysmic event took place during that time, which rendered the earth '...without form, and void...' Darkness prevailed upon the deep, and the earth was in undistinguishable ruin.Can you see the hurling down of Lucifer and his legions to the earth, as the cataclysmic event that caused such destruction?
...assuming that it was, we now have a mighty fallen angelic being roaming about this scene of violently darkened destruction, an angel who had possibly only seconds before walked in the glories of Paradise, an elite & highly privileged creation of God. I don't think any of us can actually imagine what he must have been feeling. But I would think that, on the heels of this initial shock, Lucifer's thoughts may have been something like, "Now what???""Where do I go now? What do I do next?"
...and those desperate, frantic questions probably led to this next one:
How can I get it all back?"
I am telling you now that, at its root, (whether known or unknown to its participants,) whatever plans, programs or agendas that have been or will be implemented under the heading of globalism, One World anything or New World Order, are the results of Lucifer's attempts to get it all back.
~~~, Lucifer was created (Ezekiel 28:15). He came to consciousness in fullness of his power and beauty. Having known nothing less than an exalted state, once cast down, it would seem to me that he would grab at ANY possible means of regaining it. Let's take a brief but more detailed look at what this exalted state encompassed -Based on the Scriptures pertaining to him found in Ezekiel 28, we can learn a few things:
1) It sounds like Lucifer's wisdom & beauty were unparalleled (v.12).
2) He was in Eden, the garden of God.(v.13)
(We know from other Scriptures in Genesis 3, that the serpent was found in that garden of Eden, not one whose name means 'day star', this is perhaps somewhere or something else? Perhaps this 'garden of God' existed in the heavenlies, just as the heavenly Tabernacle, after which the earthly one was patterned.) Not only was Lucifer in this garden of God, but is described as having coverings of bedazzling jewels & precious stones (v.13) - which possibly represent attributes inexpressible, according to C.S Lewis in his Christian Behaviour.
3) Tabrets & pipes were prepared 'in him'. Music resided within Lucifer! and surrounded him! (v.13)
4) Lucifer was deliberately placed by God in a high - possibly the highest - position of government over all of the rest of the creation of God, "upon the holy mountain of God" (v.14). (This verse can possibly be construed to represent promotion to a place of authority in the affairs of God.)

(Lucifer is called the "anointed cherub that covereth" (v.14) What does this imagery bring to mind? The cherubim with overspread wings, covering the Mercy Seat on the ark of the Covenant, right? How could there be doubt, then, as to a sacred & priestly aspect of Lucifer's existence?
We don't know what kind of conversations may have occurred between Satan & God, at this point. One possible aspect of the forward-going machinations of Satan, would have been an attempt to restore God's original earthly creation. Donald Barnhouse, in his The Invisible War, suggests this. To me, it does seem most likely...Barnhouse also states that Satan was/is still trying to show God that he can do it. If I can only prove to the Most High that I can get this whole mess all straightened out, renewed...if I can fix it!!!...then maybe I can get back MY former glory and still have a shot at running the show...might be how Satan thinks still today. Because Satan's goal is to bring order out of chaos (for his own selfish, vain reasons, of course,) Barnhouse continues, organization is a major tool. But we know how so many - if not eventually all - organizations collapse. Underlying malevolent agendas, love of money, lust for power...look at the 'great' civilizations (organizations) of the past. Gone. Corruption scandals touch even the most initially (apparently?) benevolent committees & corporations ...their CEO's etc. can't keep their hands clean, one way or another. (I recently heard something unsavory even about the Red Cross...although I never looked into the details...) My point is, as Barnhouse writes,"Satan cries, 'Let there be organizations!' And there is chaos. He calls out, 'Let there be United Nations!' And there are vetoes and wars....He commands, 'Let there be brotherhood!' And there are race riots..." Satan can't make it happen.
What he does bring to the table is...more death & destruction.
Think about these things when looking at the world around you, the world across the oceans...the world both visible and INvisible. Don't count on the organizations of this world-system. Yes, some are still good, and may yet be so for awhile, but keep in mind, IF they are good, then God is probably on their side & in their midst. He dwells yet in some of us, and therefore His touch and impact is still felt in the world. In addition to His sovereign actions. The Scriptures tell us that He works all things after the counsel of His own will (Ephesians 1:11,) so...keep that in mind, when observing the downward spirals of what appears as loss or defeat, or catastrophe. Satan is far from the only player...even with his hordes of fallen angels (Revelation 12:4).
Think carefully through with whom you align.
There is more going on than you know.
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