We who are patriots & who first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, have been through the wringer these past two years. Or more…
We haven’t given up – I don’t believe any of us ever will give up – but we want this to be over.
“...it is not a man that is going save you, oh, America…it is Me the Lord your God. I have the Covenant with this nation…” (emphasis mine) https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2022/08/word-from-lord-given-in-virginia-beach
“...put your hope in ME and I shall give you living water that shall sustain you during this time. The weariness and tiredness much of it and the hopelessness is from putting your hope in a man.” https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2022/05/word-from-lord-may-17-19-2022.html
(Note: Do not misunderstand me, not for one second do I doubt that President Donald J. Trump is our rightful leader, and that he will be shown as such in the not too distant future.)
Around the time I saw the below words from the Lord, I had been becoming aware of my own almost gluttonous...over-indulgence?...in time spent searching out the truth about not only the 2020 elections but time spent traveling down the many rabbit holes into which that search had led me:
“And says the Spirit of the Lord this day you feed yourselves too much confusion My children, too many opinions, too much luring, (not) false realities of courts and trials that are fabrications to steer the people astray from the mark of the high calling I am calling MY PEOPLE TO FOCUS ON AND MARCH TOWARD AND PRESS TOWARD AND PRAISE TOWARD”
‘...you are filling your soil with acids, and toxic minerals, and lies of serpents and snake oil, and those who now are accusing others, and speaking “top-secret intel and docs” that really are nothing more than a ballooning lie…’ https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2021/12/word-from-lord-december-17th-2021.html
More recently:
Some are “...recklessly using the word satanist and occult you have opened a box of woe that shall magnify in your lives if you do not turn for your mouths are open tombs of the stench of what is death not life death and life are in the power of the tongue says the Lord of Hosts.” https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2022/05/word-from-lord-may-6-2022.html
“Hearken unto MY VOICE for the enemy has flooded the airways with voices who sound good HOWEVER in the details of what they are saying are lies, and purposeful misinformation even being pumped out by those in the military to these voices to send the people on wild goose chases or to get their eyes on a man.” https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2022/05/word-from-lord-may-17-19-2022.html
My purpose in sharing this counsel and admonition from God is not to deflate or disappoint anyone’s expectations. I am not meaning to crush hopes. But I saw what happened to me, and what still, quite easily! can happen, and against which I need to be vigilant.
Be intentional when on the internet. Think about your clicks.
You may need to work at a consistent re-prioritizing for awhile.
“I am calling My children who HEAR MY VOICE OUT IN THE DEEP...do not wallow in the shallow where so many have been content to stay thinking they can keep their status and names and Twitter tweets, and influence...you have listened to the sirens lulling you into bondage...they shall now be exposed as well says the Lord for who they really are, darkness parading as light, speaking of every foul thing...that foul stench they accuse others of has so infiltrated them and fallen upon them…” https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2022/07/word-from-lord.html
“And says the Spirit of the Lord this day...I am calling MY people to minister before Me and bring true worship back to Me so that I may reveal the deeper things to them.”
Julie Green has repeatedly, in recent months, shared similar themes from the Lord. He urges us, His children, to be in the Word more than ever, and to learn of His Covenant. Media — JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES
You can NEVER go wrong, doing that!
“...you My children, are precious to Me, draw close to your shepherd in this season, for I the Lord will say to you THIS IS THE WAY WALK YE IN IT WHENEVER YOU TURN TO THE RIGHT OR THE LEFT." "https://amandagrace4him.blogspot.com/2022/07/word-from-lord-curtain-is-pulled.html
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