In Hebrews we are told of the basic difference between spiritual milk & spiritual meat. . (Hebrews 5:12-14)
We are also told to leave certain principles behind (we are not told to forsake them), and 'go on unto perfection' (Hebrews 6:1).
If you haven't reached the point where it is time for you to 'go on...', I don't think that verse in Hebrews 6 will make any sense to you. In fact, it might seem a little unnerving...
Powerful, powerful truth resides in the Scriptures. A loving Abba God would not visit all such truth at once on His infant children in Christ. Ya gotta grow! before you are ready to hear certain things. His Word is amazingly versatile in that it is both milk AND is to us what we are able to receive. For myself, I have found over the years, that many times there were Scriptures I just could not endure, I could not process - I would have to put my Bible down and walk away. " all his epistles...are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned...wrest...unto their own destruction." (2 Peter 3:16) I think we may sense, as we continue with Jesus & as we read the Scriptures, truth not yet revealed to us. I remember, when reading this Scripture in the past, having a sense of somber yet utter cluelessness. Now that I think I have some idea as to what this Scripture may refer - if I am right - that sense was well-founded.
We grow by degrees, from faith to faith and glory to glory. You may think you have more or less arrived, but I would venture to say that if you think you are there, hold onto your hat because the ride may just getting started!!!
...along the way, though, truths grasped & principles understood may seem disjointed. For me they have...but the whole picture is beginning to come together now. And I think a reassuring aspect to this whole process is that one can see the layer of truth being revealed as that 'meat' that was hidden back when one first began to know a certain Scripture. It becomes apparent that just the 'outer court'(?) aspect of that specific truth had been shown. We had no idea how bland it was! compared to what's coming now!! Seeing a fuller truth manifest in conscious understanding - when you have been prepared for it - is a thrill like no other!!!
Life in this world is usually demanding. We all know how easily it can happen, that everything else besides Jesus can take over! He, in fact, warned us against letting the 'thorns & thistles' of the demands and activities of this world strangle the Word of Life...I think it is an amazing & almost Herculean feat, to succeed even in small measure sometimes, in not letting the words of Spirit & Truth be squelched. We press on, moving forward, even when we may not really want to! because life forces us to keep moving, or be consumed. He holds our hand! We do not stay down! And one of the best moments, maybe THE best moment, in a life is when one realizes that, in whatever their particular situation is, only the Scripture has the perfect, enduring answer.
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that life in this world is not what I had thought it was. If you are a regular/even occasional reader of my posts, you've probably read some of my 'off the beaten track' writings. The Lord has led me (I believe) down these unconventional paths because explanations reside therein. I have just recently arrived at the most startling, unexpected and yet refreshing set of theories/ideas that I have yet to encounter.
"...the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God...neither can he know them..." (1 Cor. 2:14)
Meanwhile, the bulk of the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket.
This is obvious to everyone, though, even those who don't confess Jesus Christ. I think what separates people in their view of current events/world happenings is primarily that they don't see/know/suspect why chaos often seems to reign. Clearly greed, evil & tragedy so often dominate, but how does this come to be? Right values are massacred, the wrong people are acclaimed as idols &, the creation of God, is beginning to be increasingly replaced by computers, IT, robots & AI. The world is eating this up, not discerning that they are being eaten up by it. In a way, I am reminded of Nebuchadnezzar's command to fall down & worship the 90' high golden image he had set up in Babylon, when the sounds of 'all kinds of musick' were heard. (Daniel 3:1, 4-5) Broad is the way of destruction, and many there be that enter therein...responding automatically to all kinds of 'sounds'.
"So God created man in His image..." (Genesis 1:27)
I don't think the Scripture clarifies exactly what Nebuchadnezzar's golden image represented, here in Daniel 3, but my money is on Nebuchadnezzar himself. And ninety feet high no less! The best this king could do was construct a rigid statue. Was he trying to drown out God? He couldn't really compete with the handiwork of the Most High. He could not, like God, bring forth a living soul in his own image.
But God did.
How often do you ponder the truth that man was created in the image of God? Does that impact you at all? I am forty plus years into walking with the Lord, and I am just now beginning to feel that impact. I knew the Scripture that tells us this...but was not impacted by it.
Our lives are full of a lot of events & situations, we have just about all that we can handle so much of the time. Our focus & our concerns are of necessity on those situations. Details abound, clamoring for our attention & energy. When does a person have a chance to really think about having been created in the image of God? Exactly what does that mean, anyway?
Nonetheless, the first man was created in the image of God. His destiny was to have remained in that perfect state. He did not, though. And when, today, I think about being restored to the image of God, I know that I am finally getting a glimpse of my destiny. I realize that despite my testimonies to the contrary, that I am a new creation in Christ etc., etc., I did NOT actually know & believe that I am coming into the unprecedented condition of existing as one in the image of God.
The big question is, what happened to Adam? so that we, today, need to be restored to the image of God.
It is generally known or believed, that there was serious transgression in Eden. Regardless of what anyone believes specifically transpired in the Garden, we can agree that something outside of God's instructions to the first couple took place. A choice was made that resulted in the loss of Paradise. It is from this catastrophic loss that mankind needs to be redeemed.
In a vague, non-specific way, people get that. No one argues that our world & its societies need constant repair. We need to be ever vigilant, taking precautions against so many kinds of threats & invaders, ceaselessly surveilling, watchful against new offensives in cyber-space as well as our physical space. But managing our surroundings & circumstances isn't the solution. It is necessary, but it is not the endgame. The solution would be found in the man or woman who did not create, in the first place, all these kinds of situations from which we need to protect ourselves.
The solution is the man or woman who is walking & living in the image of God.
What was lost in Eden included idyllic surroundings & beautiful communion with God, but the gut-wrenching zinger was a sudden & dramatic change in Adam's very composition. The image of God in Adam was corrupted.
It is suggested that, at the moment of transgression, Adam's very DNA became corrupted."Once he & Eve sinned, death (errors in the genetic code) entered our first parents...those errors have not only been passed to all of their descendants, but the loss of data has been increasing over time..." (Douglas Hamp, Corrupting the Image, pg.74).

It is also suggested by Hamp that the Y (male) chromosome may in fact be a record of an 'event' in the life of our original father - a record of his genetic fall. His genetic information was corrupted. Remember that God did warn our first parents that in the day that they partook of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good & evil, they would surely death a result, then, of genetic data corruption?
WE cannot fix this. Deluded, transhumanists & others are trying. but beware of them all. Our only Answer is found in Jesus Christ, Who did not share Adam's defective Y chromosome. There is really a lot going on here, and I'm just barely wrapping my head around it at this point. But wrapping my head around it I am...I hope to write more on these t
topics, but perhaps some of you readers already are making connections...

(Read Douglas Hamp's book, Corrupting the Image, if you are interested in substantiating details.)
A Final Note: If you consider that DNA corruption may have occurred at the Fall of man in the Garden of Eden, and that fall took place because of a satanic contrivance, you may wonder, why did Satan need to corrupt man's DNA?
One possible explanation is found in David Icke's "Tales from the Time Loop":
"This 'Divine right' is simply the right to rule by DNA. We have a head of state in Britain to this day who is only there because of her DNA and the whole freeloading hierarchy of the royal family is structured according to a person's DNA relationship to the king or queen …what is royal rule by DNA if not outrageous racial and genetic elitism? This 'Divine' right to rule has nothing to do with the 'Divine' and everything to do with the real origin of these bloodlines. They claim to descend from the 'gods' of the ancient world...The 'royal' families have interbred incessantly with each other since ancient times because they are seeking to retain the DNA corruption that can apparently be quickly diluted by breeding outside of itself. How interesting that the families of the Illuminati and the power elite do the same to this day. Why? They are the same bloodlines. The royal 'Divine' bloodlines of ancient Sumer and Babylon (now Iraq), Egypt, the Indus Valley and elsewhere expanded into Europe to become the royal and aristocratic families that ruled that continent and most of the world through the British Empire and those of France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and so on. As the people began to challenge and reject the open dictatorship of royal rule {the Declaration of Independence, the American Revolutionary War, the United States of America!} {insertion mine} the bloodlines began to move 'underground' by operating among the population in all the areas that control modern society …You will find a similar story all over the world. Credo Mutwa, the official historian of the Zulu nation, told me how so many black African leaders that were placed in power after the colonial masters gave the continent 'independence', came from the bloodlines of African kings and queens who claimed to descend from the same 'gods' as their white counterparts." (David Icke, "Tales from the Time Loop" ) {underlining, bold & colored text mine}
Connect the dots...and pray that people's eyes be opened...
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